learning scheme using chicken
here I'll keep the notes I make while learning to program in Scheme using the chicken impl. These are for personal use, so if you stumble on this by any chance excuse the mistakes and messiness.
I was "watching" a movie while scrolling through my phone checking hacker news when I stumbled into this post that talked about a hobby programming lang with a syntax similar to lisp. I never learned lisp in university and I had not taken the time to learn more about it, but I was curious on how it worked. Scrolling through the post comments, I found one that said it was just a Scheme implementation.
Me, not knowing what they were talking about -- like, what is Scheme? -- decided to google it to discover that is like lisp but more simple and minimal? (do not quote me on that)
I started looking for resources to learn this Scheme programming lang. I found a book called the little schemer. After reading some reviews I realised I was not going to learn lisp or scheme with this book alone, but that this book teaches you how to think in a way that makes you a better lisp or scheme programmer. I started reading it, but soon realised I wanted to run some Scheme code first and then come back to this book to improve on my thinking.
This is where I stumbled with this book, it seems it's like for a computer science class in the University of Texas? I don't know. Anyway, I read the overview, and jumped into the using scheme part.
First thing it mentioned is that you'll need a scheme implementation to follow
this book. I did not have any installed in my OpenBSD workstation. So I went
surfing the web looking for different options. After a quick search I soon
realised that there are a lot, but there were two that caught my attention
chicken and guile. I choose the first one, installed it
in my system with pkg_add chicken
(simple as that) and I was able to jump
into a interactive programming enviorment (the same thing as if you type
python in your terminal, like a shell) by typing chicken-csi
, and then
the fun started :).
actual notes
define things
you can do chicken-csi
to start an interactive programming env. There you can
define variables and things like that. From what I've learned, there are
two main things in schemes, atoms and lists.
- hola is an atom
- (hola jose) is a list
To define a variable, you can do:
#;> (define number 10)
#;> number
then if you type number
it will show the 10.
(I will just write #;>
to symbolise the prompt.)
This is the way you define procedures too (I'm pretty sure a procedure is the same as a function, but with diff name). Here's an example:
#;> (define (double n)
(+ n n))
We are defining a procedure with the name double
that receives 1 param n
then it adds n + n
and returns it. Note that the operation is not in the way
we usually think of operations, instead the operator precede the operands.
Once I saw the notation I remember our Discrete Maths class, we saw this type of notation, it is called polish notation and help us when you want to build trees out of the operations. Anyway, back to chicken scheme.
we can write an if statement very easily.
(if (< 1 2)
This is read as, if 1 is less than 2 return 1 else return 2, in python it would look something like this:
if 1 < 2:
return 1
return 2
there are special objects that represent true #t
and false #f
so if you
#;> (< 2 3)
You can see that it returns the true object.
Finally, let's see a procedure that uses an if statement.
(define (min_n a b)
(if (< a b)
now we can call it just by doing
#;> (min_n 10 2)
NOTE: any other value other than #f
is considered true
I decided to stop there for the first day, hopefully I have time to continue on learning Scheme in the next few days, I'm enjoying it quite a bit.