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Introduction to git (for solo developers)

I've been using git for a while now and I know that at first it can be overwhelming. git is wild beast, you can do a lot of stuff with it. Nevertheless after using it for a while you'll realise that you wont be using all git capabilities on a daily basis, just the basic ones. Those are the ones that I'll try to cover in this blog post.

I will explain them the way I would have like to have them explained to me when I was starting, but, hey, you are not me, so your mileage may vary.

what is git?

git is a version control system. This means it will help you keep track of the versions of your code.

Let's see an example, say you just finished an assignment for your Coding in C class. You are just reviewing the requirements and checking all the boxes. When all of the sudden you come across one you haven't seen before. Its not the end of the world, you realise it's just a simple feature that you will be able to add in no time.

So you open your favourite text editor and start modifying the code. You finish, it looks pretty good. Let's compile it then. Perfect. Now let's test it. Oops, Segmentation fault (core dumped). "Damn" you think "is this a new error?", "was this showing up before I made the last changes?", "what did I changed?", "I did not modify the core functionality, did I", "is there a way I can go back in time to when it worked?".

If this ever happened to you, then the way you "go back in time" is by using git. git let us create snapshots of the current state of the project, meaning we can go back to a state of the project where it actually worked or where we had not made something stupid.

It will help you a lot, even if you are working alone.

using git

Going back to the example of your C assignment, say you knew how to use git before starting to code. So the first step you did was create the directory where the code will be placed, cd into it, and do:

git init

This will initialise git (if the command was not obvious enough). It will create a hidden directory .git but what happens inside there is a story for another day.

Cool, so now you have git initialised in your directory, now you start coding and have the first version you want to keep track of, like a good checkpoint to have if everything goes bananas. How do I start taking snapshots? First we have to say which files we want to keep track of. Say your directory looks like this:

├── main.c
├── lib.c
└── lib.h
└── trash 

We do not want to keep track of the trash file right? So we will add the files we want to track with the git add command.

git add main.c
git add lib.c lib.h

You can do git status at anytime to check what are you doing, in this case it will tell you the following:

$ git status
On branch master

No commits yet

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
        new file:   file.c
        new file:   file.h
        new file:   main.c

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

Is the snapshot taken yet? nope. I like to make the analogy of you taking copies of a physical document, you go to the copy machine, put the paper in the machine and then press the button right? Well we are in that first step of going to the machine and putting the paper. We still have to press the button.

Now let's create the snapshot then.

git commit -m "first commit"

We can use the git commit subcommand for that. To be honest I don't like the -m argument, I prefer to do:

git commit -vs

This will sign -s the commit with your name (commit is the git name for what we have been referring to as a snapshot), telling everyone that you made it (for better or for worse), and will open a text editor -v. There you will be able to write the commit description.

This descriptions have a title and a body, something like this:

first commit, basic functionality working

main.c and lib.c are linked with the header file, this helps
the functions inside lib.c to be used in main. main.c has ....

# more text

Signed-off-by: dostoyevski [email protected]

# changes done 

This description and title will help anyone who wonders what does that commit adds or removes (including you). If you scroll down you can see the changes you made.

If you do git status again you'll just see the trash file:

$ git status
On branch master
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

and if you do git log you'll see the commit you just made

$ git log
commit c90ae394e0dd13cfbedddbeb69825d051e4d01ce (HEAD -> master)
Author: dostoyevski [email protected]
Date:   Sat May 14 17:49:34 2022 -0500

    first commit, basic functionality working

    main.c and lib.c are linked with the header file, this helps
    the functions inside lib.c to be used in main. main.c has ....

    # more text

    Signed-off-by: dostoyevski [email protected]

Let's sum up.

There is one last operation I want to cover in this post, git diff, this a quite useful subcommand that helps us see what has changed form the previous commit to the current state.

Say you made your commit and continue working. Now you reach another milestone in your project so you think is a good time to take another snapshot. You already know the workflow, so you do git add main.c then git commit -vs you write the title and body, and you check the history with git log. But what if you want to see what you are are about to commit? like see the actual changes you did to the files. Then you do git diff, it will show you in red the lines you removed, and on green the ones you added. Pretty cool right?

Well, as stated in the title, this is just a brief introduction, probably I will write more posts on other git stuff that can help you with your workflow, until then, take care.